The Elgin Recreation Center is offering FREE Activity Books to keep everyone engaged and entertained while we are at home. These activity books are geared towards kids/youth, but everyone can enjoy the challenges, crafts and exercises. These books include one new activity each day and have all supplies available for pick up so there is no cost for participation.
Activity Books, craft supplies and free books are available for pick up at the Elgin Recreation Center, 361 N. HWY 95, Elgin, TX 78621 on a table by the front door. We ask that you only take what you need for your family so we have enough to share with everyone. Please remember to wear a cloth face covering, wash your hands and use sanitizer, and maintain social distancing while selecting your items, and only send one person from your household.
If you enjoy these activities, tag us on Facebook @ElginTXParks or Instagram @ElginTXParks. If you have any questions or suggestions, email [email protected].